2007年5月28日 星期一


Composition I
Assignment Name
Effects of Technology
Category of Prompt
Revision Number
Start Date
05/22/2007 17:17
Completion Date
05/29/2007 10:31
Total Time Spent on This Essay
6 Days 17 Hours 14 Minutes 1 Seconds
4 4 3 3 4 4

Effect of Technology

Human been born in original and technology have been discovered since human been born. We can say technology is same with knowledge of distillation. Why technology exist in this world? Because people need to live in the world and they have to learn how to save their life. By desire of living, people started to think what they do could help them have a comfortable life. Then the Technology was born.
Nowadays people have more and more comfortable life by progressive technology. Everything we used is technology product. Airplanes, jets ,cars ,trains and so on are technology. Even everything what we think are all the technology products. Effect of technology in human been is very mighty. But some technology benefit us and some technology damage us. Technology contracted our distance. We can talk easy from Asia to America. It also cured our illness, more people survived by medical treat. And then people have much of choice to eat because of fast transportation in the world. Though transportation is very fast and comfortable, virus communicated easily country to country. More and more people dead in wars and crimes by progressive weapon. Human been start to degenerate his able of activities by mechanization.
Effect of technology has benefit and shortage for us. However, technology is what we need. If we lost our technology in this world, we can’t live anymore. People live and technology exist. Technology effects us and we product technology. It never stop.

2007年5月14日 星期一

May 10 ~~Key Points~~~

1. Operation Smile provides treatment to children that have cleft lips and cleft palates.

2.Almost of children didn't have received surgery, and their lives poor families.

2007May 10day ~~Talk about it

Why was Operation Smile formed? Would you like to be a medical volunteer and help a child?

A mount of people have cleft lips and cleft palates. Dr. William P. Magee and his wife can't help all people thet have that illness. So they held a group of Operation Smile to help people with that illness.

How do you think children's lives are being changed after they have surgery for cleft lips?

After they have surgery for cleft lips, they have a perfect face and their self-abasement will be quite anymore.
They have a happy life in this world and nobody think that they are "monster" .

ALCPT16R 25-30

25. Richard spends an hour each day in physical training. What does he do?
A: He take physical training every hour.
26. Gerald kept working on the problem until he solved it.
A:Gerald worked it out.
27. The judge is very concerned about traffic accidents.
The judge is very worried.
28. Blend’s home is air-conditioned.
He has a machine to keep his house cool.
29. We have been here just ten minutes.
We have been here only ten minutes.
30. When you go by air, you depend on the pilot to take you to your destination safely.
You rely on the pilot.

Same World

work out = adjust
depend on = rely=trust
accidents =mishap=disaster

2007年5月7日 星期一

Talk About It@@~!(2)

Have you ever seen any fascinating or famous tree? If so, describe them.

General Sherman is the name of a Giant Sequoia. It is the largest tree in the world, and generally considered the largest organism, as measured by the volume of its trunk . It is approximately 2,200 years old. The tree is located in the Giant Forest of Sequoia National Park in the United States, east of Visalia, California. It weighs is over 120,000 kg.

Talk About It@@~!(1)

Which one of these facts about tree is the most interesting to you?Why?

Trees can absorb the same amount of carbon that acar produces traveling 26,000 miles. About this case, it is interesting fore me. Because a static tree can do a magically thing is amazed me. How can it do this that we can't do it?

2007年4月30日 星期一

Talk About It(2)

Which natural disaster do you think causes the most harm?Why?

I think the earthquakes is the most powerful destroyer. Because it can destroies a region of buildings and most of people will die in the buildings. When the buildings were spoiled ,fire or blast will happen and that will damage people. Earthquakes can make lot of property damage even cause tsunamis which devastate coastal regions. So the earthquakes is a big destroyer I think.

Talk About it(1)

Have you ever experienced a natural disaster? What happened? Describe your experience.

When I was sleeping in 18 night ,a powerful earthquake shook me up. I was scared and stayed under the desk until tomorrow moring. This earthquake killing 351 people and destroying much of humans' property.

2007年4月16日 星期一

the art of life

About the quality of my thought of reading the poem, is blessed and this poem is the best poem because it gives me a hint in its content. The author, Henry W. Longfellow, created the poem in a sorrowful state of mind by a serious attitude and composed the song that is not only grandly but also blessed to everyone.
The poem, A Psalm Of Life, is deeply affect on me and give me an impulse to be a hero in the strife. Unlike other author, Henry W. Longfellow has his independent opinion and outstanding style of writing. Longfellow tells us not to be dismal when you get a defeat and you have to stand up and fight it again until you win your beautiful life. If you want to have a art of life, you will be active and it also is your job.
Because of this song, A Psalm Of Life, I know how to create my beautiful life. He points an honest attitude to face human life as well as tell everybody not to go astray. And I will face any problem and defeat all balks when I am disappointed. Act, act in the living present.

2007年3月19日 星期一


1、Actions speck louder than words.(行動勝於空談)
2、Advice when most needed is least heeded.(忠言逆耳)
3、After a storm comes a calm.(否極泰來)
4、All good things come to an end.(天下無不散之筵席)
5、All roads lead to Rome.(條條大路通羅馬)
6、Allthat glitters is not gold.(不可以貌取人)
7、All's well that ends well.(善終為善)
8、Art is long ,life is short.(人生苦短,而學術無窮)
9、As you sow ,so shall you reap.(種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆)
10、Bad news travels fast.(惡事傳千里)
11、A bad penny always comes back.(惡有惡報)
12、A bad workman always blames his tools.(劣工尤器)
13、The bait hides the hook.(餌裡藏)
14、Barking dogs seldom bite.(吠叫的狗不會咬人)
15、Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.(情人眼裡出西施)
16、Beauty is but skin deep.(美色只是一層皮)
17、Beggars must not be choosers.(饑者不得擇食)
18、The best fish swims near the bottom.(好魚游溪底)
19、Better be the head of an ass than the tail of a horse .Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.
20、Better late than never.(亡羊補牢永不為遲)
21、Where there is a well there is way.(有志竟成)
22、A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.(一鳥在手勝於兩鳥在林)
23、Birds of a feather flock together.(物以類聚)
24、The biter is sometimes bit.(害人反害己)
25、Bloos is thicker than water.(血濃於水)
26、A burnt child dreads the fire.(受灼的小孩必怕火)
27、Care killed a cat.(勞神喪命)
28、A cat may look at a king.(君王卿相於我何)
29、Charity begin at home.(修身齊家博愛天下)
30、The child is father of the man.(少年時代可決定一人之未來)
31、Comparisons are odious.(人比人氣人)
32、Constant dripping wears away the stone.(滴水穿石)
33、A contented mind is a perpetual feast.(知足常樂)
34、Death is the great leveler.(死後萬人皆平等)
35、The devil finds work for idle hands to do.(小人閒居做歹事)
36、Diamond cuts diamond.(兩虎相爭教有一傷)
37、Do as you would be done by.(己所欲施於人)
38、Do in Rome as the Romans do.(入境隨俗)
39、Don't change horses in mid-stream.(臨陣勿換將)
40、Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.(不要打如意算盤)
41、Don't put the cart before the horse.(不要本末倒置)
42、Don't kick against the pricks.(不要以螳臂當車)
43、Don't quarrel with your bread and butter.(不要砸飯萬碗)
44、Don't wash your dirty linen in public.(家醜不可外揚)
45、Dog does not eat dog.(狗不咬狗)
46、Easier said than done.(說易做難)
47、Easy come easy go.(僥倖之財難久留)
48、Empty vessels make the most sound.(空桶響叮噹)
49、Even Homer sometimes nods.(智者千慮必有一失)
50、Everybody's business is nobody's business.(眾人之事無人管)
51、Every dog has his day.(三年風水輪流轉)
52、Every man has his taste.(人各有所好)
53、Extermes meet.(物極必反)
54、Familiarity breeds contempt.(過份熟稔易滋侮蔑;近廟欺神)
55、A fault confessed is half redressed.(肯認錯是改過了一半)
56、First come first served.(捷足先登)
57、The first will soon be caught that nibbles at every bait.(貪吃的魚兒易上)
58、Forewarned is forearmed.(先知先戒備)
59、A friend in need is a friend indeed.(患難之友乃為真友)
60、Give knaves an inch and they will take a yard.(小人得寸便進尺)
61、God'smill grinds slow but sure.(天網恢恢,疏而不漏)
62、Grasp all lose all.(貪者必失)
63、Handsome is as handsome does.(慷慨大方始為美)
64、He that touches pitch shall be defiled.(近墨者黑)
65、Heaven helps those who help themselves.(天助自助者)
66、Health is better than wealth.(健康勝於財富) 
67、You cannot burn the candle at both ends.(蠟燭不能兩頭燒)
68、History repeats itself.(歷史會重演)
69、Hoist your sail when the wind is fair.(見機行事)

以上由育明出板社 提供

2007年3月10日 星期六

My English class

I have English class on Tuesday every week. Studying English not only have lot of value but also

is what I need. Though it was very boring I have to study it very hard.Because of my English

professor is very kind and cute. Oh! Just a kid.

My vacation of the new year in 2007

This vacation had eight days and it also was my longest vacation. I liked it because I could stay

in my warm house and chatted with my family. This year my parents gave me a red envelope.

There was 3000NT in the red envelope. God bless me. My parents was very kind.

2007年3月8日 星期四

new semester

Happy new year!! This year is my year. I am so lucky that the day is coming for me.

I have to study hard and study language like Japanese and English because I want to get A in

this semester and take a trip to Japan. Go to Japan is my dream since I was 12. In this year, I

have more challenges and god bless me.